What Is a Prayer Pocket in Bible Art Journaling?

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Does your prayer life demand a heave? Prayer journaling is the best way to ignite your relationship with God. Discover out why keeping a prayer journal is important and how to create your ain simple journaling routine. This post is the ultimate guide to jump outset your own prayer journaling habit!

Prayer journal, pen, bible and cup of coffee sitting on a rustic table.

"What's for dinner this evening? Why is this house so messy? I demand to work on laundry or the kids won't have anything to wearable….."

These are the types of thoughts that roll through my head when I try praying the "normal" way. I begin with a prayer in my mind, and then immediately thoughts from the world seem to infiltrate every corner of my brain.

Take you been there?

For me, prayer journaling is a lifeline in my relationship with God. It helped me grow spiritually when I didn't feel close to God. And it'southward probably the #1 matter that helps me grow in my relationship with Him.

When y'all pray, go into your room and close the door and pray to your Male parent who is in undercover. And your Begetter who sees in cloak-and-dagger will advantage you lot.

– Matthew half-dozen:6

What is a prayer periodical?

Basically, a prayer journal is a notebook (or even just paper scraps) that contain your prayers to God. Information technology's a diary of sorts, but really information technology'due south simply prayers on paper, in written form.

It actually is that uncomplicated. No need to become fancy here.

Why is prayer journaling and then important?

There are and then many things that make prayer journaling a spiritual game-changer. Hither'due south why I'm and then passionate most it:

  • Prayer journaling keeps yous focused during prayer fourth dimension then your thoughts don't drift as easily.
  • It documents your relationship with God, and is a tangible way to look back and reverberate on His faithfulness & answered prayers.
  • Writing your prayers helps you remember to pray for those in need (when these people are written down, you're less likely to forget them).
  • It's the perfect style to pour your centre out and become your feelings off your chest.
  • Information technology helps you get specific in your prayers, instead of repeating the same phrases time and time once again.

This quote describes exactly how I feel well-nigh prayer journaling:

"Writing out my prayers has brought virtually a freedom in my relationship with Christ that I longed for but never knew if it was really possible."

How to Keep a Prayer Journal past the Modern Mary

Take I convinced y'all to try prayer journaling yet? I hope so.

How Prayer Journaling Helped Me in My Spiritual Walk

As a teen, I fell in love with the process of prayer journaling. It was a huge blessing in my relationship God, and I looked frontward to my journaling time each dark.

I had no idea how much this practice would bless me when hardships struck later on on.

A few years ago, I went through a really nighttime time of health issues which too led to depression. (It's not something I particularly enjoy talking near, but if you like, yous can read more in my post on the best bible verses for depression).

Believe me, my prayer journals were admittedly FILLED during that fourth dimension. That journaling time kept me sane and kept me fighting.

Recently, I was tempted to throw those journals away because they're a reminder of a painful time I really prefer not to call back virtually. But wisely, my hubby convinced me to keep them as a reminder of what God brought me through. I might want to look back on them once again anytime, he said.

My prayer is that you autumn in love with writing your prayers as much every bit I did, so information technology can be a source of deep comfort and strength to you – no thing what life throws your manner.

How to Continue a Prayer Journal

Now I'm going to share some tips for starting your own prayer journaling routine. This is a simple and basic plan, with options to take it to the adjacent level if you so choose.

1. Realize perfection is not the goal.

My written prayers aren't legible to anyone but me. But that'south okay, because I don't actually want anyone else to read them.

Fun fact: I oftentimes use my ain empty-headed abbreviations for long (or even medium-sized) words that I'one thousand as well lazy to write! It's like a secretly coded message, just between me and God.

Y'all don't need to take beautiful handwriting or even be a good writer. All you need is a pen in your hand and an honest heart.

It'south that moment where you can unleash all your feelings, questions, griefs, and fears – knowing that God is listening and He can take whatever y'all need to allow get of. The best form of therapy.

2. Create a simple prayer notebook.

Prayer journaling notebook, pen, bible, and cappuccino sitting on a blue wooden table.

I rarely go along consecutive, legible journal entries with dates and perfectly marked pages. Instead, my prayer journaling happens whenever the demand to connect with God strikes. This could be in a nice journal if there'southward one handy, but more than than probable, it's on the back of my child's schoolhouse luncheon bill of fare.

That's considering to me, the point of prayer journaling is pouring out my center – not creating a work of art.

The post-obit quote explains how you should approach writing your prayers:

Write downward exactly what you are thinking. Don't worry about following a certain order or style. When I write a dear letter to my husband, I just write what is on my heart. I don't perfect information technology. I don't erase and rewrite. And that's what God would love to hear from y'all. Everything on your centre.

– How to Start Keeping a Prayer Periodical, rachelwojo.com

Although yous can definitely prayer journal on anything, it's also nice to have a special notebook specifically for this purpose. Information technology's particularly helpful if you want to look dorsum on your prayers anytime and reflect on God's answers.

Any sort of unproblematic lined notebook works neat. Personally, I prefer one with blank pages (similar these Moleskine journals).

If you lot're the organized type and want some beautiful ideas on creating a more than aesthetically-pleasing prayer journal, this guide to setting up an organized prayer journal from Intentional by Grace is a great place to start.

3. Carve up your prayer journaling process into sections.

Sometimes I just write whatever is on my listen and permit information technology menses from my heart, and other times I use a flake of construction to formulate my written prayers.

To practice this, I divide my journaling into "sections." Information technology'due south based loosely on the Lord's prayer in Matthew seven and goes something like this:

  • Praise & adoration – Spend time telling God how wonderful He is, considering of who He is (non considering of the stuff He'southward given y'all).
  • Thanksgiving – give thanks God for specific blessings in your life, along with prayers answered.
  • Pouring out my centre – tell God whatever is bothering you and enquire Him for whatever y'all demand help with. (This is usually the longest section of my prayer, LOL!)
  • Request for His volition – Submit to His plans and acknowledge that He knows best, affirming your trust in Him.
  • Asking for forgiveness – anything you need to confess and receive forgiveness for. Spill it.
  • Pray for others – terminate with requests for specific people you want to retrieve.

I e'er finish my prayers with the short phrase "I love Yous"!! Information technology works for me đŸ˜‰

Exercise you desire to grow a deeper, more than genuine faith?

If so, I know you'll benefit from the "Woman After God" printable pack.It is the perfect resource for any adult female who is chasing God.

With twenty+ pages of resources, you'll learn to study the Bible finer, answer deep burning spiritual questions, swoop deep into the realm of prayer, and be encouraged with inspirational Scripture art.

This printable pack includes the "What Should I Report?" guide, which holds your mitt teaches y'all exactly how to create a report programme based on your questions. Also included is a real-life report case, so you can watch the process unfold step-by-stride.

It besides includes prayer resources that will spark your communication with God and continue your dialogue going throughout the twenty-four hour period.

If you ever think, "I want to grow closer to God, only I take no idea where to start," this printable pack will admittedly help.

iv. Try a Prayer state of war room strategy.

Some people like to call up of dedicated prayer time as going into their 'war room.' Whether you take a specific, private infinite dedicated to prayer or it changes from day to day – the near important matter is to realize that prayer is a FIGHT. And wielding your pen and prayer journal is a great way to exercise information technology!

We are fighting for our relationship with God. For our physical family, our church family unit, our nation. Satan wants to take all of it down with him, but prayer is the perfect tool to fight dorsum!

When Jesus faced Satan in the wilderness during his temptations (Luke 4), he used Scripture to defeat the enemy. We must do the aforementioned.

So, I recommend praying the Scriptures during your journaling time as a manner to implement a 'war room' mentality. You can change the words a little chip to brand the poetry into a prayer. Here are some wonderful Scriptures to start praying today:

  • "Trust in the Lord with all your center, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your means admit him, and he will brand straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-vi)
  • "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for yous;
    my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no h2o." (Pslam 63:1)
  • "Do non be broken-hearted about anything, only in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests exist made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all agreement, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
  • "I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds." (Psalm ix:i)

What are your favorite Scriptures to pray? Please, add them in the comments!

If you want to 'do boxing' in prayer for specific members of your family, I've compiled some great resources for you:

  • 10 Powerful Scriptures to Pray for Your Kids
  • Praying for Your Hubby: 10 Prayers for the Christian Wife
  • 12 Prayers to Invigorate Your Matrimony Relationship

5. Use Prayer Journaling Prompts.

If yous need a picayune specific guidance to go along with the journaling sections described, here are some prayer prompts to enrich your writing:

  • Name some ways God has provided for you this week and say thanks.
  • What do you spend nigh of your time thinking nigh? Confess your thought life to God and enquire for help.
  • What sin are you struggling with correct at present? Ask God for help.
  • Who is on your center correct at present that needs God?
  • Tell God the goals you have in life and inquire for His guidance.
  • Tell God what you're afraid of and pray for courage.

If you want specific prayers to deepen your prayers even further, catch these cute "My God & I" Prayer Prompt Cards below!

Sample prayer journal entry

Now that I've explained the 'why' and 'how to' behind prayer journaling, I'd like to show you a sample entry from my prayer journal to show you lot how I implement this in real life.

Dear Lord, You are high higher up all and Your ways are so much greater than my means. You are perfect, holy, and only love. Thank you for existence who You are and for loving me.

I'm then grateful for every approving in my life – spiritual and physical. Thanks for sending Jesus to dice for me and thanks for helping me know the Gospel and giving me life in You. Also thank you for my church family, husband, children, home, and my health.

Lord, you know me better than I know myself. I'g struggling to trust Your plan. I always think I know improve and have a difficult time leaving things in Your easily. Please assistance me with this.

Let Your will be done in my life, because Your plan is amend. Assistance me follow Your atomic number 82.

Please forgive me when I doubtfulness and question You when I accept no correct to. Forgive me when I act in selfishness and sin because I'm focused on this world.

– Sample Prayer Journal Entry, 12/fifteen/2018

How to NOT Forget to Pray for Others

You may take noticed I did not include the people I'grand specifically praying for in the sample prayer. Evidently, this is for reasons of privacy only I e'er like to include them at the close of my prayer. Information technology's but a habit I've tried to cultivate.

When someone asks for prayers, I usually try to stop right and then and there and pray for them too and then I don't forget. But calculation a section in a prayer journal is also a keen thought. I dearest the post-obit tip:

Write each day of the week at the tiptop of seven adjacent pages in your prayer journal, beginning with Sunday. (Reserve one page, front end and back, per day.) Under the pages marked Sunday through Friday, write at to the lowest degree 1 person for whom you volition pray.

Arabah Joy, How to Make a Simple Prayer Journal

Need a printable prayer journal template pdf?

If you don't want to beginning a prayer journal from scratch and would rather have a guide to walk you through basic journaling, sign up for my newsletter and get the costless "Nourish Your Spirit" quiet time guide.

This guide will help you get specific and meaningful in your prayers, and also includes a basic bible report guide to help yous dig into the Word.

If you're struggling with God non answering your prayers the way you lot want Him to, yous may want to read my post Why Won't God Answer My Prayer?

Whew! That was a lot of in-depth information on prayer journaling! If you've read this far, I'd actually appreciate if yous'd share this mail service using the social sharing buttons on the bottom of your screen. Let'south encourage others to prioritize prayer!

Practise y'all use a prayer periodical? Whatever tips to share?

With Joy,

Pin Information technology!

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Source: https://healthychristianhome.com/prayer-journaling/

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