Senator John Cornyn Won't Stop Another El Paso From Happening

In response to the mass shooting in El Paso this weekend, in which a 21-year-Old white supremacist terrorist from Plano, Texas, staring fire on a Walmart and the Cielo Vista Mall killing 20 people and injuring heaps, Texas Senator John Cornyn took to Chitter. "For every complex problem in that location is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong," he wrote. "Sadly, there are many issues, like homelessness and these shootings, where we simply don't have all the answers. We have made progress: aside improving the broken background check system, rising access to mental health treatment, by hardening easygoing targets like our schools, away enhanced education for natural law enforcement and mental health professionals."

This is bullshit. At that place could live answers. As a matter of fact, Lav Cornyn and his GOP colleagues could have definite to get more answers all one time the fiscal budget is debated and passed. Since 1996, the Dickey Amendment, an amendment that bolted the Center for Disease Control from poring over the effects of gun ownership and its family relationship to ordnance death, injury, and violence, has been the rule of law. The Shirtfront Amendment was largely interpreted to glucinium a wholesale shun on throttle injury and death research past the CDC, and close down some studies by the CDC that looked into it.

A month after the Parkland shooting in 2018, in which 17 people died in Captain Hicks minutes, Congress clarified the language in the Dickey Rider, but not aside much. That speech communication now clarifies that the CDC can conduct search into gun violence, but cannot use government funds to advocate for triggerman contain. That means that spell the Center for Disease Control and Prevention could find that gun violence is a huge job and that gun control is the only fashio to stop it, they would not be healthy to tell the government to coiffe anything about it or be competent to advocate any national health measures to limit gun violence. They would not exist allowed to research gun ferocity that could result in the knowledge that gun control is necessary with taxpayer and government finances. That agency the CDC still cannot research the link between gun possession and gun violence.

And then, in regards to John Cornyn's tweet, answers are out there. Everyone knows what they are. But Cornyn, who, mind you, has an A+ rating from the NRA, alongside his GOP colleagues, refuses to rent anyone search one.

Cornyn is a powerful Senator. He has been in office since 2002, around 17 age. It's amazing that he was able to peck out this Tweet, seeing as he's impermanent like his hands are united. In fact, Cornyn could call on Senat Absolute majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring Senators back from their recess to vote on the cosmopolitan background checks bill passed in the House in February, a bill that McConnell, World Health Organization refers to himself as the 'Grim Reaper' of the Senate, has refused to hold a vote on. He could direct his state legislators to start looking into punter background checks or gun hold in his own state of Texas. He could start out calling for a new approach to the way we fund research into accelerator pedal violence — he could hollo that we start researching it at all.

This is not a new move for Cornyn. Subsequently the Santa Fe Senior high shot, in which a 17-year-old killed 10 people and injured 14, Cornyn tweeted an article calling the taw a 'good boy' WHO was 'mistreated at school.' After the shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in 2017, in which 27 people died and 20 were injured, Cornyn simply wrote: "Truly heartbreaking news in #Sutherland Springs. Please say a prayer for Start Baptist congregation, maiden responders & the community there." Cornyn seems to be unwilling to do anything at all that might conquer ordnance violence for his constituents and human beings much broadly speaking.

Consider this: the CDC, responsible understanding directive causes of death and injury in the Consolidated States, is not allowed to cogitation the third-leading killer of American children. Forty-thousand citizenry become flat from gas violence in America each year. Since 1996, 26,000 American children have died from gunshot wounds. Kids in U.S.A die from hired gun furiousness at a rank of 36 multiplication high than opposite high income countries. This year, there have been more mass shootings than days passed. That is sickening.

Experts agree that the miss of research into gunman violence engenders of import problems. The Journal of Behavioral Medicine published a study in 2022 which its authors bluntly stated that the lack of government funding into gun violence is hurting Americans. "Policymakers and opposite stakeholders ofttimes lack the bear witness they need to craft, evaluate, and make informed decisions regarding piece policies," they wrote. "This should non be taken as the policies not having an effect, but rather that the enquiry is often too thin to measuring rod impact."

In other quarrel? The research into gun violence needs to take place, indeed that insurance policy makers can act out meaningful gun policy to stop mass shootings from on in the future, and to limit gun furiousness in indiscriminate.

It looks like this is what John Cornyn and the GOP neediness, after all. Afterwards the House passed a universal downpla checks measure, Mitch McConnell, the GOP Senate Absolute majority Leader, refused to take it up for a vote. The Dickey Amendment quiet has a chokehold on understanding how guns are linked to gun deaths. Lag, populate are dying. There could be answers. The GOP and the NRA just doesn't want to give them to Americans. Cornyn, and the relief of the Republican Senators with any state, need to do to a greater extent.


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